Create your own landing gear lever for mfs2020

3/30/2024 | by Bits and Droids

Used in this tutorial (Amazon affiliate links that help support the channel):

  • Springs:

  • Arduino Leonardo / pro micro


  • LEDs

  • Limit switches

Gear I use:

  • Hakko soldering iron:

Full code

Here, you'll find the full code I'm using on my device. It also contains the code I'm using for the master warning and caution lights.

#include <BitsAndDroidsFlight32.h> BitsAndDroidsFlight32 connector = BitsAndDroidsFlight32(); int leds[6] = {3,2,4,A3,5,7}; int up = A2; int down = A1; byte warningBtn = 8; byte cautionBtn = 9; byte oldWarningBtn = 0; byte oldCautionBtn = 0; byte oldUp = HIGH; byte oldDown = HIGH; bool oldWarning = true; bool oldCaution = true; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // put your setup code here, to run once: for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(leds[i],HIGH); } pinMode(warningBtn, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(cautionBtn, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(up,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(down, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { connector.dataHandling(); byte frontGear = connector.getGearCenterPositionPct(); byte leftGear = connector.getGearRightPositionPct(); byte rightGear = connector.getGearCenterPositionPct(); bool curWarning = connector.getMasterWarningOn(); if(oldWarning != curWarning){ digitalWrite(leds[4], curWarning); oldWarning = curWarning; } bool curCaution = connector.getMasterCautionOn(); if(oldCaution != curCaution){ digitalWrite(leds[5], curCaution); oldCaution = curCaution; } if(connector.getMasterCautionOn()){ } if(frontGear > 98){ digitalWrite(leds[0],HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(leds[0],LOW); } if(leftGear > 98){ digitalWrite(leds[2],HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(leds[2],LOW); } if(rightGear > 98){ digitalWrite(leds[1],HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(leds[1],LOW); } if(frontGear < 5){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(leds[i],LOW); } digitalWrite(leds[3],HIGH); } if(frontGear > 5){ digitalWrite(leds[3],LOW); } byte curUp = digitalRead(up); if(oldUp != curUp){ if(curUp == HIGH){ connector.send(sendGearUp); } oldUp = curUp; delay(50); } byte curDown = digitalRead(down); if(oldDown != curDown){ if(curDown == HIGH){ connector.send(sendGearDown); } oldDown = curDown; delay(50); } byte curCautionBtn = digitalRead(cautionBtn); if(curCautionBtn != oldCautionBtn){ Serial.println(sendMasterCaution); delay(350); oldCautionBtn = curCautionBtn; } byte curWarningBtn = digitalRead(warningBtn); if(curWarningBtn != oldWarningBtn){ Serial.println(sendMasterWarning); delay(350); oldWarningBtn = curWarningBtn; } }

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